Occupational field:
Environmental Technology, Resource Recovery, Microbial Electrochemical Technologies, Microbial Fuel Cells
Current Position:
2023-now: Chair and Professor (Bio)Recovery Technology for Circular Economy, Environmental Technology, Wageningen University and Research
Previous Positions:
2019-2021: President of ISMET (International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry & Technology)
2012-2019 Assistant and Associate Professor, Environmental Technology, Wageningen University and Research
2006-2010 PhD candidate "Improving the cathode of a Microbial Fuel Cell for efficient electricity production"
2022: ISMET fellow, for outstanding contributions to the research field and the ISMET society
2022: Nominated for Excellent Education Award (category basic courses) at Wageningen University.
2019: NWO Vidi + Aspasia Grant (€850,000) "Understanding and controlling electron flows in electro-active biofilms"
2018: Microbiology Innovation Grant WUR (€100,000) "Methane production from electricity and CO2"
2016: Environmental Science & Technology Letters "Excellence in Review Award"
2014: NWO Veni Grant (€250,000) "Fundamentals and kinetics of electrochemically active microorganisms on capacitive materials"
2011: Prof. Marcel Mulder Prize (€5,000) for PhD project achievements
2011: SENSE PhD Award (€1,000)
Teaching activities:
Teacher of course ETE26304: Renewable Energy Technologies
Lecturer in Environmental Electrochemical Engineering and Research Master Cluster
Other activities:
One of the founding members of the Wageningen Energy Alliance
(Recumbent) cycling -->
see our most fun & special bike, the rug-aan-rug-tandem!
Cooking vegan dishes
Enjoying time with my family